Meet Brown Payne, one of the new interns on staff at the Van Every/Smith Galleries!

Brown Payne is a Sophomore Art History Major at Davidson College from Nashville, Tennessee. Brown wanted to intern at the galleries because of his major and because he wanted to learn more about curation and taking care of the art collection. Brown also really enjoys getting the opportunity to spend more time in the VAC.
Learn more about Brown:
Who is your favorite artist?
“My favorite artist right now is Robert Gober because of his simple reconstructions of everyday objects that are sort of silly but can be associated with serious topics.”
What is your earliest memory of art?
“My earliest and most prominent memory of art was my 1st grade art teacher telling me that brown was an ugly color, and to never overuse the color brown in paintings or drawings.”
What is your favorite piece of art on campus?
“I really enjoy Patrick Dougherty’s “Common Ground” sculpture because of its massive scope which can let all people enjoy it.”
You can check out this piece here:
What is your favorite part about working in the art gallery so far?
“I really enjoy photographing art because I get to view art that has not been seen for a while, or see new acquisitions.”
What are you most excited to do in the art gallery or in art in general this semester?
“I am excited about the senior shows and the constant changing of shows that has been happening in the Smith gallery!”
Feel free to come chat with Brown or any of our other interns Mon-Friday 10-5 and Sat-Sunday 12-4.