Any Percentage of a Premonition or Nearer the End

Clint Sleeper

Any Percentage of a Premonition or Nearer the End

Smith Gallery
On View: January 14, 2016— March 10, 2016
Opening Reception: January 14, 2016, 6:00 pm— 8:00 pm

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The Van Every/Smith Galleries and Davidson College are pleased to present Clint Sleeper: any percentage of a premonition or nearer the end. The exhibition will be on view in the Smith Gallery January 14 – March 10, 2016, with an opening reception on January 14 from 6-8pm.

Sleeper is a media artist, performer, and maker, whose work humorously ponders an end to capitalism and seriously considers alternative possibilities for picking up the pieces and moving forward. This is a process of oscillating between old and new technologies, between art historical references and various popular positions of political philosophers. Ultimately, this effort exploring technology, interdisciplinary collaboration and activist art is toward a practice where works hold up a sense of responsibility not only
as statements loaded with critical and political ideals, but as objects and practices which impact our communities and everyday lives.

In addition to works released independently, Sleeper collaborates on avant-garde noise projects with Huw Webb, and designs technology for interactive installations and large scale instruments constructed with Audrey Lee Love as the duo Robot Vs. Future. Sleeper holds an
MFA from Simon Fraser University in Interdisciplinary Contemporary Art, his installations, books, and videos have shown in festivals and galleries internationally.

Image: Teaching Capitalism to Nature, 2015, digital video