
Author: Lia Rose Newman

Lia Newman has held the position of Director/Curator of the Davidson College Art Galleries since January 2013. From 2002-2012, Newman was Director of Programs and Exhibitions at Artspace in Raleigh, NC. She earned a BA in Art History and a BFA in General Studio with concentrations in sculpture and photography from Winthrop University and a Master of Arts from Duke University. Newman provides leadership for the advancement of visual art at Davidson College, overseeing all administrative and operational activities of the Galleries and providing strategic vision to create an inclusive, interdisciplinary center of learning. She is responsible for curating exhibitions, developing exhibition-related programming, and overseeing the development and growth of the Davidson College Art Collection which has grown from just over 3,200 works of art to more than 4,200 during her tenure. Newman also serves as an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Art, teaching a course focused around student-led art acquisitions.

Elizabeth Bradford: Nature’s Soundtrack

We Need to Talk: Repairing our Social Fabric One Creative Conversation at a Time with Philippa Pham Hughes

Joe Claire ’24 |

Julia Matthiesen ’24 | Symbiosis

Sarah Green ’24 | I don’t want to be queer, I want to be pretty

Claire Tatum ’24 | Catharsis

Alana Wilson ’24 | Pilina

Amelia Shields ’24 | In Aeternum

Mary Nell Todd ’24| hue

“A Crack In the Hourglass, An Ongoing COVID-19 Memorial” by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer

Friends of the Arts Reception and Open House

Meredith Iodice ’23 | Little One

Natalie Hall ’23 | While You Were

Laura Bullock ’23 | GOOSECHASE

Jacolby Satterwhite, Avenue B

Jacolby Satterwhite, Blessed Avenue

Farewell to our beloved sculpture, “Common Ground”

In Conversation: Lorena Mal

Returning Intern: Sarah Willoughby

Commemorative Project Update – Zoom Community Engagement Sessions

Planting Possibility

Sara Zewde/Studio Zewde Selected as a Finalist for Davidson College’s Commemorative Site

Bethany Collins & Torkwase Dyson selected as Finalists for Davidson College’s Commemorative Site

Hank Willis Thomas and Perkins&Will selected as Finalists for Davidson College’s Commemorative Site

Walter Hood/Hood Design Selected as Finalist for Davidson College’s Commemorative Site

Finalists Selected for Commemorative Site for Enslaved and Exploited Laborers

Radcliffe Bailey Selected as a Finalist For Davidson College’s Commemorative Site

New Intern: Toshaani Goel

Nicholas Galanin: Unshadowed Land

Request for Qualifications

Isaac Scharbach ’21 | Ashes Like Bread

Chloe Pitkoff ’21 | Laloland

Adelle Patten ’21 | Coalescing Realities

Rebecca Cobo ’21 | Im:mutable

Landin Eldridge ’21 | “Go On, Git”

“Emphasizing Introspection” In the Davidsonian

Adrienne Lee ’21 | Ode to Self

Learn More About Our Current Exhibition!

Audio Guides

Bethany Collins, Justice, Equality and Community Public Humanities Practioner-in-Residence

Charlotte Observer highlights two Davidson College artists

Support the Galleries & Alumnus McNair Evans ’01

“Can this abstract sculpture spur Davidson students to wrestle with tough questions?” in the Charlotte Observer